Services / Web / Development

Web Development

There are a billion web developers out there. We’re not just another team, though. Our history and track record speaks for itself. In fact, we are the trusted partner of many other agencies and consultants. We’re proud of that. In an era where it seems like so many things are commoditized, we’re here to stand out and hold higher standards.

Talk to an expert

Development is not a commodity.

We’re not doubting the talent of someone’s brother’s friend’s uncle’s third cousin who does web development in their basement. In fact, we were founded as a two-person agency in a one-room office. Our focus and definition of value is not simply tied to price. We have had way too many clients and other agencies come to us after over-paying for a template website or after having been sold functionality that couldn’t be developed by the agency or developer. We’re truthful and honest about our skills. We have a wide range of experience and know how to do things right.

What we do best.

WordPress is our focus. We do it for large and small organizations and businesses: B2B, B2C, non-profits, lead generation, e-commerce, and brand awareness. Pretty much any goal you can think of, we’ve done a website for it. We build according to best practices and support what we build.


Like our design team, our development team doesn’t just enter a project when we get to the development phase. We’re involved from the discovery, and we have a big part in crafting the functionality documentation requirements. We need to get that part right well before anyone designs or codes anything.


We leverage our documentation and design, working closely with other functions in the team to get the development right. Being pixel perfect with the UX, implementing mobile-friendly designs, meeting accessibility standards, and meeting SEO requirements are all part of the key processes and accountabilities built into the development team.


Launching websites is celebrated at Voltage. It means the culmination of a lot of hard work that we’re proud of. That comes with a rigorous QA process, client CMS training, and ongoing hosting and support. We stand behind what we build and, in most cases, continue to partner with our clients long-term on their site management needs.