No one tells you the rules. There’s a different ballgame and set of parameters if you’re a local business or national brand that has local markets. We’re here to partner with you as a local brick and mortar, service area corporation, or national brand with a presence in local markets. We’ve done it all. And, we do know the rules and what matters within traditional SEO as well as what matters in the local ecosystem. We also promise to limit our use of words like ecosystem.
Here’s how it works.
As you likely know, local search is a different animal. While there is overlap in some full SEO process aspects and local, there is a different algorithm for Google Maps, and there are ways that citations, business data, and your reputation play into it. There are a ton of paid software services and reputation management providers out there. Many are great. However, without a strategy and integration with broader SEO, you can be left with software and not a strategy.
What we do best.
In local search, you have to know your audience. While you may not be able to change your service area or physical address, you can outrank those closer to your customer if you map out the right strategy.
Key data sources and feeds fuel a lot of the listings in local search. Conflicts in your data, or not having the right tech in place, can hold you back. Get the data right, do it efficiently and consistently, and we’ll get ahead of a bulk of the competition.
We’re not the only ones in this space. We have to iterate, optimize, and get to the top. Getting data right is part of the battle, but you have to continue to post relevant content onto the local platforms and optimize within them inside the local search ecosystem — separate from the SEO algorithms you might be used to.