About the Author

Corey Morris

Corey Morris

President and CEO

Corey is the owner and President/CEO of Voltage. He has spent 18 years working in strategic and leadership roles focused on growing national and local client brands with award-winning, ROI-generating digital strategies. He's a recent recipient of the KCDMA 2019 Marketer of the Year award.

As an agency focused heavily on search, we sometimes assume that everyone else nerds out at the level we do. However, if you’re new to paid search, have done it in the past with mixed results, or believe that your campaigns can reach another level, keep reading.

Our focus on “search” includes both organic and paid. Google Ads is a big part of the paid mix and we leverage it across dozens of accounts and millions of dollars in ad spend to drive to client goal business outcomes. Whether you’re trying to generate awareness, engagement, or to drive leads and sales through your website, there are full-funnel opportunities to meet your audience right where they are searching.

With a strong understanding of user-intent of search queries and the range of targeting options, combined with optimized and detailed strategic management of ad accounts, ideal campaign structure, engaging ad copy/creative, and strategic bid management–plus more–there’s a lot that goes into maximizing ROI from paid search.

Paid search isn’t the right channel for every client and every marketing objective. However, it is part of what we evaluate in the mix of tactics in every START Planning process for consideration for each Digital Marketing Success Plan™ we create for our clients. Check out my recent post on Search Engine Journal detailing 7 powerful benefits of using PPC advertising.