About the Author

Corey Morris

Corey Morris

President and CEO

Corey is the owner and President/CEO of Voltage. He has spent 18 years working in strategic and leadership roles focused on growing national and local client brands with award-winning, ROI-generating digital strategies. He's a recent recipient of the KCDMA 2019 Marketer of the Year award.

For businesses and organizations focused on lead generation, attribution is important and getting the basics right sometimes isn’t easy. If you’re all about tracking business outcomes, ROI, and getting a full picture of your marketing funnel from first impression all the way through your CRM to deal value and even lifetime value, then the form submission is critical.

Regardless of where things stand for you–whether you’re leveling up your digital game or doing complex things with attribution, you have to get your form tracking right. That includes configuring your goals in GA4 as well as making sure your website is able to serve up the type of response needed when someone fills out a form.

Our agency primarily builds websites in WordPress (although we can do a lot in other platforms and languages too, just ask) and we have our preferred configuration. However, it isn’t one-size-fits all and we’re not snobs when it comes to what’s right and what works best for each organization.

I have written in depth about how to configure form tracking with Google Analytics for WordPress and encourage you to take a deep dive by checking out my full article on form tracking with Google Analytics on Search Engine Journal.